Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Cole Brothers: Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Hamblin Cole and Lieutenant Colonel Robert Granderson Cole, my 3rd Great Granduncles

Colonel Robert Granderson Cole

The Cole brothers were born in Manchester, Chesterfield, Virginia.  Their sister, Sarah A. Cole is my 3rd great grandmother.  Their father, George W. Cole was a veteran of the War of 1812.  Their grandfather, Hamblin Cole was a patriot in the American Revolution.   Their mother, Caroline Wooldridge's family owned and operated the Midlothian Coalmines in Virginia from as early on as 1730.   Coming from good stock, the Cole brothers were destined for success.  

Archibald "Archie" Hamblin Cole was born in Manchester, Chesterfield, Virginia on January 30, 1812.  Not much is know about his early years.  By 1830, he had relocated to Anderson, South Carolina where is is listed in the 1830 and 1840 Federal Census.  Sometime after 1840, he made his way to the Florida territory.  In the early 1840's, Archie lived in Duval, Florida with a prominent mixed race woman named Susan Clarke.  Archie and Susan had two children together, Mary Laura Cole born in 1842 and John Henry Cole born in 1846.  Archie and Susan separated sometime after the birth of John Henry.  By 1848, he had acquired property in Putnam County, Florida.  On May 15, 1848, Archibald married Annie Lamar Mays.  Archie and Annie also had two children together, Sarah Cole born in 1854 and Archibald Wooldridge Cole, who was born in 1859 and sadly died in 1861.  Archie was a founding member of the original Florida Historical Society, started by Benjamin A. Putnam in 1856.  

Prior to the Civil War, he owned and operated a large citrus plantation in Orange Mills.  In 1850, he had as many as 50 enslaved workers on his plantation.   He and a man named John Reardon had also opened a general store in Fort King, Florida and made it into a post office.  Archie was also an investor in the Florida Railroad Company.  In 1859, Archie helped establish the Bank of Commerce at Fernandina.  He is listed as on of the three original commissioners of the bank.  He was also the bank's first president.  

1860 $5 Bank Note Signed By President A.H. Cole

On January 10, 1861, The State of Florida officially seceded from the United States.  They were officially admitted to the Confederate States of America on April 22, 1861.  Archibald's ties to Florida and Virginia caused him to cast his lot in with the Confederates.  He made his way to Virginia where he placed his services in the hands of General Joseph. E. Johnston.  His first duties were acting as a Volunteer Aide-de-Camp where he acted as Quartermaster during the Battle of First Manassas.  He entered the Confederate Army with the rank of Major.  Shortly after this, he was promoted to Inspector of Transportation of the Army of Northern Virginia.  When Johnston took a bullet to the shoulder and a shell fragment to the chest at The Battle of Seven Pines on June 1, 1862, command of the Army of Northern Virginia was passed to Robert. E. Lee.

On May 4, 1862, Major Archibald H. Cole wrote an order to Captain W. S. Wood requesting eight artillery horses for the Stuart Horse Artillery.  

Letter from Major Cole to Captain Wood

General Orders No. 76 showing Archie's promotion

Archie continued to perform Inspector of Transportation duties for Lee until October 17, 1862 when he was promoted to Chief Inspector General of Field Transportation for all of the Confederate Armies.  In this role he would be responsible for recruiting, buying, and recuperating horses.  Archie was based out of the Confederate capitol of Richmond.  Archie immediately tried to purchase 1,000 horses from Texas.  By March of 1863 only about 700 had been obtained and they were still located in Louisiana.  Horses were in short supply.  In December of 1862, Lee wrote Confederate Secretary of War James A. Seddon to request permission to transfer horseless cavalrymen to infantry units.  Lee was not a fan of the practice of cavalry soldiers returning home on furlough to obtain new horses.  He believed he should have every man in the field possible and that it would make the men in the cavalry be more careful with their mounts.  Lee's army spent the winter of 1862-1863 near Fredericksburg, where lack of forage caused Lee to disburse parts of his army to the Shenandoah and parts of North Carolina to look for supplies.  

Horses were in short supply and many horses continued to disappear in the south due to confiscation by the Federal and Confederate armies.  On May 13, 1862, The Richmond Enquirer estimated that farmers had lost a third of their horses and mules, "thus leaving them without sufficient force to cultivate even ordinary crops."   To combat the confiscations, Lee added impressments to the list of Major Cole's responsibilities.  All field officers except for those of army commanders were forbidden to confiscate horses.  Impressments were not popular with the locals due to the government only paying half price for the animals.  The Confederate government tried to address this issue by increasing the prices offered for horses, however inflation ran higher than the increases.  Between December of 1862 and February of 1864, Archie was only able to collect 4,929 horses and mules from the State of Virginia.  Prior to the war, Virginia boasted that she had more than 250,000 horses and mules.  This was no where near Lee's request for 7,000 horses and 14,000 mules needed for the artillery and cavalry for the Army of Northern Virginia.

In April of 1863, the war came to his property at Orange Mills.  The Official Records of the Civil War included a letter dated April 2, 1863 from Palatka citizen Thomas T. Russell to Confederate Brigadier General Joseph Finegan who was in command of Middle and East Florida.   I've included the letter in its entirety below:



Near Palatka, Fla., April 2, 1863.

Brigadier  General  JOSEPH FINEGAN:

SIR: On Monday, the 23 ultimo, a large side-wheel steamer came up the river as far as Palatka and fired four shells over the town. She then returned to Orange Mill, and lay off that place until 2 o'clock Tuesday evening, and went down the river. While at the mill the Yankees butchered a beef, killed several sheep, and took on board a Negro man named John, belonging to Mr. Frank Hernandez.

On Thursday morning a large propeller came up the river and lay off the mill until evening, when she came up opposite Palatka, abreast of the residence of Mr. Antonio Baza. A large force of Negroes was landed from the propeller at the residence of Mr. C. Dupont, and also at Orange Mill, which said force marched by land to Mr. Baza's and Mr. Sanchez's place, opposite Palatka, where they joined the force on board the propeller. This force by land visited the plantation of Colonel Dancy and caught two of his Negroes, one of which afterward escaped. They cooked and ate at this place and carried off all the

poultry. The colonel's place on the river was also ransacked by the Negroes. They also visited the plantation of Major Balling, destroying all they could, but did not succeed in getting any Negroes, as, fortunately, they had been removed a few days previous. This land force, on arriving at the residences of Messrs. Sanchez and Baza, surrounded the places, and took 3 Negroes from Mr. Morris Sanchez and other things of value from the yard. They did not succeed in catching Mr. Baza's Negroes, but took from him three horses and one cart, all of his poultry, hogs, pots, salt, and everything else they could lay their

hands upon. They also butchered two beeves in the yard. The Negroes kept the houses surrounded, and abused and insulted the women just as they pleased. They encamped that night on the banks of the river in Mr. Baza's field.  On Friday morning the propeller started and proceeded slowly over to Palatka

and went up to the wharf, landed a number of men on the wharf, and was in the act of landing some artillery, when Captain  J. J. Dickison and his company, who had been patiently waiting, fired into them. The propeller then, as fast as steam could carry her, backed out from the wharf, firing shell, grape, canister, and small-arms. After they fired for a while she proceeded over the river to Mr. Baza's point, and communicated with a company of Negroes that had been left over there. The company of Negroes then proceeded back by land to Orange Mill, and the propeller went back down the river and took them on board.  Every vestige of furniture was taken by the Negroes from the residences of Dr.

R. G. Mays, Major  E. C. Simkins [quartermaster], and Major  A. H. Cole [quartermaster].  Mr. Antonio Baza was taken prisoner by the Negroes, but succeeded in making his escape. The Yankees on the way down the river again stopped at the residence of Mr. C. Dupont and demanded the Negroes who were

hid, stating if the Negroes were not immediately delivered they would burn the houses. Mrs. Dupont, who was much alarmed, accordingly delivered up the negroes, against the wishes and urgent appeals.


In a conversation with Colonel Montgomery, of the Negro regiment (I having been surrounded and taken prisoner, but afterward released), he informed me that he had come up for the purpose of permanently occupying Palatka, and that they intended restoring Florida to the Union at all hazards; that he would have a force of some 5,000 men at Palatka in a few days; that they had been acting in

a mild way all along, but that they intended now to let us feel what war actually was; that the United States marshal for Florida was along and pointed him out to me; that all the Negroes were declared free and he intended to take all he could find.


Thus you will perceive, general, what we are to expect, and had it not been for the brave and gallant conduct of Captain Dickison, his officers and men, Palatka would this day have been in possession of the Negro enemy. Captain Diskison has been one of the most untiring and energetic officers I have ever

met with. He is always on the alert, and had he sufficient force would never let the enemy land on either side of the river up here. I visited Palatka since the propeller left, and from the great quantity of blood about on the wharf and pieces of bones picked up many of the enemy evidently were killed. Every bullet fired by Captain Dickinson's men must have took effect. This company deserves the thanks of the people of Florida and the Government, for I think they have well merited the same.


Allow me, general, to suggest to you the propriety of taking some action in regard to the vast quantity of cattle on the east side of the Saint John's, as the enemy are continually butchering for the use of their troops, and as the  citizens are entirely helpless to defend themselves.


All of which is respectfully submitted by your obedient servant,



Unfortunately for the Confederates, the war contained multiple fronts where horses and mules were needed.  When Braxton Bragg was defeated at the Battle of Chattanooga, Joseph E. Johnston assumed command of the Army of Tennessee.  Johnston was able to address the artillery's horse shortage of 600 horses by reducing the number of horses hauling each gun to four from six.  This reduced their speed and expedited their exhaustion.  

Archibald Cole was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on February 2, 1864.  In April of 1864, Archie proposed "to cover all the ground in Alabama and Georgia and get everything needed for the plow."  Archie believed that the only way to supply Lee and Johnston's armies with fresh mounts for the spring was to reduce the transportation allowance and transfer the current stock of animals from secondary armies to the main armies in Georgia and Virginia.  Unfortunately for the Confederates, this didn't happen.  Johnston's lack of horses tied him to the railroad which allowed Federal Major General William Tecumsah Sherman to continually harass his flank.  

By February of 1865, Archie estimated the remaining armies of the Confederacy needed 6,000 horses and 4,500 mules: "The number to be procured in the Confederate States east of the Mississippi by impressment depends on the decision which may be made as to the quantity of animals the farmers will be allowed to keep as essential to their operations.  I estimate the supply to be obtained from all sources (provided I am furnished means) not to exceed 5,000 animals on this side of the Mississippi.  This leaves a deficit of 5,000 to fill my estimate.  If the horses are not supplied the military operations are checked and may be frustrated.  If the farmers are stripped of a portion of the animals essential to the conduct of their agricultural operations there must be a corresponding reduction of supplies of food for man and horse."   Archie also continued to suggest that animals might be procured from Mexico or behind Union lines.  On March 31, 1865, Archie was re-assigned to the Department of Florida where he would remain until the end of the war.  

Confederate Officer's Index Card for A.H. Cole

Archibald Cole returned home to Orange Mills, Putnam County, Florida .  He made his oath of allegiance to the United States on May 29, 1865 and was pardoned by President Andrew Johnson on March 29, 1866.

Archibald Hamblin Cole's Presidential Pardon

Archibald Hamblin Cole lived an additional 14 years after the Civil War.  At the time of his death, he was 66 years old.  He died on February 3, 1879 and is buried in his second wife's family cemetery in Orange Mills, Putnam County, Florida.  From the little information I have found, it appears as though this cemetery may have fallen victim to development.  I found an article on that stated the headstones had been removed and possibly bulldozed into the river.  This was according to a survey that was done in 1999.  The last time the headstones were seen at their original location was sometime in the early to mid 1990's.  The bodies were not removed and remain buried there.  I was able to locate an old picture of Archie's headstone.  Apparently the headstones were removed in the 1970's and relocated to a nearby cemetery belonging to the Braddock family.  The headstones were then relocated to St. John the Evangelist Cemetery that was established in East Palatka in 1881, where they are currently located.  A descendant the Mays family, Mary Murphy-Hoffmann owns the St. John the Evangelist Cemetery.  She has hopes of relocating the grave markers back to the Mays-Simpkins-Cole cemetery, which is only a few miles away.

Archie Cole's Obituary

Mays-Simpkins-Cole Cemetery

Archibald Hamblin Cole's Gravestone


Here's my relationship to Archie:

Robert Granderson Cole was born in Manchester, Chesterfield, Virginia on September 25, 1830. Robert grew up on his familial lands in Virginia.  He enrolled in the United States Military Academy at West Point on July 1, 1846.  Robert graduated 37th out of 44 cadets in the Class of 1850.   Following his graduation he entered the United States Army on July 1, 1850 with the rank of Brevet Second Lieutenant of Infantry.  He would head to the west to begin his service.  Robert's first assignment was Fort Washita in Oklahoma Territory.  Here he would perform frontier duty from 1850-1851.

Fort Washita Blockhouse

Robert was next assigned to Fort Gates in Coryell County, Texas.  Fort Gates has been established in 1849 on the Military Post Road between Austin and Fort Graham as a protection of the frontier against hostile Indians.  Robert performed scouting duty here from 1851-1852.  Fort Gates was abandoned in March of 1852 as the frontier line had advanced further west.  

Marker at the Site of Fort Gates

In 1852 after the abandonment of Fort Gates, Robert was reassigned to Camp Johnston further west on the frontier.  Camp Johnston was a temporary U.S. Army Camp that had been established in March of 1852 in Tom Green County, Texas.  The camp was named after Captain Joseph E. Johnston, who was Chief Topographical Engineer of the Department of Texas from 1848-1853.  This was a temporary camp that was established for five companies of the 8th U.S. Infantry.  The camp was located on the south bank of the North Concho River near the present day town of Later Valley.  It was home to some 284 troops and their families until it was abandoned on November 18, 1852.  

Following the abandonment of the temporary camp, the soldiers moved to their new home at Fort Chadbourn in Bronte, Texas.  Fort Chadbourn had been established in 1852 by Captain John Beardsley of the 8th U.S. Infantry.  It was named for 2nd Lieutenant Theodore Lincoln Chadbourn, 8th U.S. Infantry, West Point Class of 1843 who had been killed at the Battle of Resaca de la Palma in the Mexican war on May 9, 1846.  The fort's original purpose was to protect a part of the frontier trail to Sana Fe.  

Officer's Barracks, Fort Chadbourn

Robert was promoted to Second Lieutenant 8th U.S. Infantry on May 25, 1862.  He remained at Fort Chadbourn until 1853 when he was transferred to Fort McKavett in Menard County, Texas.  Fort McKavett had been established in March of 1852 to protect frontier settlers and travelers on the Upper El Paso Road.  It was first known as Camp San Saba, but was renamed for Captain Henry McKavett, who was killed at the Battle of Monterey on September 21, 1846.  

Remains of a Barrack at Fort McKavett

In 1853, Robert was transferred to the Ringgold Barracks near present dat Rio Grande City, Texas.  The Ringgold Barracks, later known as Fort Ringgold, was the southernmost installation of the western tier of forts that were constructed at the end of the Mexican War.  The fort had been established on October 26, 1852 by two companies of the 8th U.S. Infantry.  It was named after Brevet Major Samuel Ringgold who was the first U.S. Army Officer to die from wounds received in the Battle of Palo Alto on May 8, 1846.  Robert was based out of the Ringgold Barracks from 1853-1854.  In 1856, Lieutenant Colonel Robert E. Lee visited Ringgold Barracks for court-martial duty.  The house Lee stayed in has been preserved.

"Robert E. Lee House" at Ringgold Barracks

In 1854, Second Lieutenant Cole moved to Fort Davis, located in present day Jeff Davis County, Texas.  Fort Davis had been established on the order of General Persifor F. Smith on October 23, 1854.  It was named after then Secretary of War, Jefferson Davis.  The fort was strategically located to protect emigrants, mail coaches and freight wagons on the Trans-Pecos portion of the San Antonio-El Paso Road.  The fort was originally garrisoned by Lieutenant Colonel Washington Seawell and six companies of the 8th U.S. Infantry.  The fort was home to over 400 officers and enlisted men.  Cole performed scouting duty out of Fort Davis from 1854-1855.  

Map of Fort Davis, 1856

Robert was promoted to First Lieutenant, 8th U.S. Infantry on September 4, 1855.  He was transferred to Fort Bliss, which was located on the absolute western part of Texas.  Fort Bliss had been established on November 7, 1846 by General Orders #58 as Post at El Paso in present day El Paso, Texas.  The fort was first garrisoned by Brevet Major Jefferson Van Horn and was home to six companies of the 3rd U.S. Infantry.  The fort was renamed for Brevet Lieutenant Colonel William Wallace Smith Bliss in 1854.  Robert performed scouting duty out of Fort Bliss from 1856-1857 and Fort Davis in 1857.  

Recreation of Old Fort Bliss

Robert performed recruiting services in 1858-1859.  He was assigned to duty performing a Coast Survey from May 19, 1859 through January of 1861.  On January 28, 1861, First Lieutenant Robert Granderson Cole tendered his resignation to the United States Army.    

On February 23, 1861, First Lieutenant Robert Granderson Cole wrote the following letter to Jefferson Davis:

                                                                                                         Montgomery, Ala

                                                                                                         Feb 23 1861

His Excellency

    The President of The Confederate States of America


            I have the honor respectfully to apply for an appointment in the Army of the Confederate States of America.  I graduated at West Point in 1850.  Have been a First Lieutenant since 1855.  Nearly the whole of my eleven year service has been with my Company on the frontier of Texas.

                                                                        I have the honor to be with great respect

                                                                       Your obedient servant,

                                                                        Robert G. Cole

                                                                        First Lieutenant, 8th US Infantry

Letter from Robert G. Cole to Jefferson Davis

In March 16, 1861, he was commissioned as a Captain of Infantry on the staff of Brigadier General Robert Seldon Garnett.  Garnet had served the U.S. army in the Mexican War and the Seminole Wars in Florida.  In 1849, while stationed at the Presidio of Monterey, he designed the Great Seal of California.  He resigned his commission in April of 1861 and became Adjutant General of the Virginia troops, under Robert E. Lee.  

Robert Selden Garnett

In June of 1861, Garnett was promoted to Brigadier General.  Garnett's promotion was also good for Cole.  On June 18, 1861 Robert Granderson Cole was promoted to Major.  At the beginning of the Civil War, Federal forces crossed the Ohio River and seized a portion of northwestern Virginia (now West Virginia).  On June 15, Robert E. Lee assigned Garnett to reorganize the Confederate forces in the area.  He deployed his forces at strategic points along the Staunton-Parkersburg Turnpike in hopes to defend the vital supply line.  A series of small skirmishes occurred and forced the Confederates to withdraw under pressure from George B. McClellan's Federals.  

Garnett's forces were defeated at the Battle of Rich Mountain on July 11, 1861.  Following the loss, Garnett withdrew from his Laurel Hill trenches under cover of darkness, in hopes to escape to northern Virginia with his 4,500 men.  He redirected his withdrawal after receiving false reports that his escape route to Beverly was blocked by Federal troops.  He instead marched northeast and was pursued by as many as 20,000 Union troops.  While direction his rear guard in a delaying action at Corrick's Fordm Garnett was shot and killed by a Union volley.  

Garnett's death resulted in Cole being transferred to the staff of Brigadier General William Wing Loring on August 6, 1861.  Cole remained in this position until December  24, 1862 when he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and placed in charge of the Subsistence Department on the staff of General Joseph E. Johnston.  On July 5, 1862, Robert was promoted Chief Commissary Officer for the Army of Northern Virginia.  He would remain on Robert. E. Lee's staff through the surrender at Appomattox.

Robert E. Lee and His Staff, Lt. Col. R.G. Cole is No. 2

The position of Chief Commissary Officer was not a glamourous one.  He would never gain glory on the field of battle. Instead he would labor continuously to keep 65,000 men and horses fed.  Lieutenant Colonel Cole pressed on despite the shaky infrastructure of the new Confederate States of America.  A Federal Naval blockade and multiple Union armies squeezing in on all sides only further complicated his job.  Persistent shortages in food, clothing and horses plagued Lee's army.   

On May 29, 1863, in accordance with an Act of Confederate Congress, General Orders No. 70 officially abolished the office of Regimental Commissary.  Duties of the Regimental Commissary officer now fell to the Regiment's Quartermaster.  Thankfully a Commissary Sergeant could be retained to assist the already busy Quartermaster.   The "best qualified Regimental Commissary" of the brigade was also allowed to become an assistant to the Brigade Commissary Officer.  Roughly a forth of the Regimental Commissary Officers were guaranteed a new assignment within their department.  The rest of the men would either be reassigned or dropped from the rolls at the earliest date possible.  The deadline for reassignment was July 31, 1863.  

Lieutenant Colonel Cole immediately pushed back.  On June 1, he fired off a letter to the Adjutant Inspector General Lieutenant Colonel S. Cooper, requesting the order to be modified to allow cavalry Regiments to retain their Assistant Commissary Officer since they frequently conducted independent operations.  Cole saw no issue with an additional assistant for the Brigade's Commissary Officer, however he requested each Corps and Division Commissary to be allowed to have two such assistants.  He painstakingly identified a list of fifty two Regimental Assistant Commissary Officers who should be retained and reassigned to later positions.  Cole's proposal would create several additional positions for former Regimental Commissary Officers.  Robert E. Lee congratulated Cole after the Gettysburg campaign for this ability to provide the army with flour during the incursion into the north..  

Another problem Cole faced was politics.  The Confederacy's Commissary General and long time friend of Jefferson Davis, Colonel Lucius B. Northrop was stingy and at times uncooperative at best.   A letter from Cole to Northrop date November 30, 1864 states:


    I find that much complaint is arising upon the subject of the bread ration.  It is generally thought to be too small & now especially as the season for vegetables is over.  Is is alleged also that much dissatisfaction leading to desertion among the men is increasing.  I had a conversation with General Lee upon the subject today and he is very desirous that the ration of Meal, especially, be increased.  From what I can learn myself I think this is advisable if within the limits of our ability to keep up the supply.  General Lee requested me to write to you upon this subject and I take the liberty to urge some increase if practicable.

        I am Col. very respectfully your obedient servant,

                    R. G. Cole

                       Lt. Col.

Northrop provided no help.  He congratulated himself for having lowered the bred ration a few months prior.  Had he not done so, he asserted, Lee's army would have been starving.  The Army of Northern Virginia continued to face supply problems.  By February of 1865, Lieutenant Colonel Cole observed "there was no meat to be had for the men still under siege at Petersburg."     In just a few short months, the war would be over.   Lieutenant Colonel Robert Granderson Cole surrendered with Robert E. Lee at Appomattox on April 9, 1865.  His parole read as follows:

    We, the undersigned Prisoners of War, belonging to the Army of Northern Virginia, having been this day surrendered by General Robert E. Lee, C. S. A., Commanding said Army, to Lieutenant General U.S. Grant, Commanding Armies of the United States, do hereby give our solemn parole of honor that we will not hereafter serve in the armies of the Confederate States, or in any military capacity whatever, against the United States of America, or render aid to the enemies of the latter, until properly exchanged, in such manner as shall be mutually approved by the respective authorities.

Confederate Officer's Index Card for R.G. Cole

Following the Civil War, Robert moved to Palatka, Florida where he helped run the citrus plantation with his brother Archie.   He also maintained a business in Savannah, Georgia.  He also continued his friendship with Robert E. Lee.  As Lee's health began to fail in the winter and spring of 1870, he was persuaded to take a trip to the deep South.  Lee made the trip with his daughter, Agnes.  He wrote a letter to his wife on April 18, 1870 stating:

    I returned from Florida Sunday, April 16th, having had a very pleasant trip as far as Palatka on the St. Johns.  We visited Cumberland Island, and Agnes decorated my father's grave with beautiful fresh flowers.  I presume it is the last time that I shall be able to pay to it my tribute of respect.  The cemetery is unharmed and the grave is in good order, although the house at Dungeness has been burned and the island devastated.  Mr. Nightengale, the present proprietor, accompanied me from Brunswick.  We spent a night at Col. Cole's, a beautiful place near Palatka and ate oranges from the trees.  We passed some other beautiful places on the river but could not stop at any place but Jacksonville, where we remained from 4 P.M. to 3 A.M. next morning, rode over the town and were hospitably entertained by Col. Sanderson.  The climate was delightful. the fish inviting and abundant.  

The Cole home that Lee visited in 1870, was one the east bank of the St. John's several miles south of Federal Point, at Orange Mills.  It was the pre-Civil War home of Col. Cole's brother, Archibald H. Cole.  

The Palatka Herald of April 20, 1870 wrote:

    General Lee paid our county a visit on the last trip of the Nick King.  He spent the night with Colonel Cole at Orange Mills.  Our citizens would have been glad to have had the honor of his presence, but in this they were disappointed.  Whether here, or in Virginia, General Lee will live in the hearts of his countrymen.

Robert E. Lee died in Lexington, Virginia on October 12, 1870.  He was mourned by all of his countrymen.  Robert Granderson Cole was among the many who donated to have the Recumbent Statue of General Robert E. Lee placed at Lee Chapel in Lexington.  Cole's donation of $100 in 1879 was a considerable amount of money at the time.  

Recumbent Statue of Robert E. Lee, Lee Chapel, Lexington

Robert Granderson Cole lived an additional 22 years following the end of the Civil War.  He never married.  He was 57 years old when he died.  Cole died in Savannah, Georgia on November 7, 1887.  He is buried in Bonaventure Cemetery.  

Robert Granderson Cole's Obituary

Robert Granderson Cole's Tombstone

Here's my relationship to Robert:

Chandler Cox Yonge

Archie and Robert's sister, Julia A. Cole was married to Major Chandler Cox "C.C." Yonge who also served as a Quartermaster during the Civil War.  Chandler Cox Yonge was born on October 3, 1818 in Fernandina, Florida when it was still a Spanish possession.  He attended the University of Georgia and graduated in the class of 1833.  Following his graduation, he practiced law in Pensacola, Florida.  In 1838, C. C. served as an assistant secretary for the first Florida Constitutional Convention.  He served on the first Florida Senate and helped write early Florida law.   In 1845, President James K. Polk appointed C.C. to the office of District Attorney for Florida.  Yonge held this position under Presidents Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan.  He married Julia A. Cole on May 18, 1848 in Madison, Florida.  When Florida seceded from the Union in January of 1861, C.C. initially served as District Attorney for the Confederacy.  He served in this capacity through August of 1863.  In August of 1863, Yonge attained the rank of Major and served the Confederacy as a Quartermaster through the end of the war. His headquarters were in Tallahassee.  

Chandler Cox "C.C." Yonge lived an additional 24 years following the end of the Civil War.  He was 70 years old at the time of his death.  He died in Pensacola, Florida on February 17, 1889.  He and his wife, Julia are buried in the Saint Michael's Cemetery in Pensacola, Florida.

Julia Cole Yonge and C.C. Yonge With Their Family

Julia A. Cole was born in Manchester, Chesterfield, Virginia on June 30 1832.  She met her future husband in Orange Mills, Florida at the home of her brother, Archibald Hamblin Cole.  Julia and C.C. had six children.  They were the parents of Philip Keyes Yonge, who was a successful career in the lumber industry in Florida.  Julia was 78 years old at the time of her death.  She died in Pensacola, Florida on September 17, 1910

Graves of C.C. Yonge and Julia Cole Yonge

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Confederate Army of Manhattan's Plot to Burn New York & The Execution of Captain Robert Cobb Kennedy, My 5th Cousin 6x Removed

Captain Robert Cobb Kennedy

By the summer of 1864, there were factions in both the North and South who had grown weary of the war and were eager for peace.  The re-election of Abraham Lincoln was in doubt.  Forces in the Confederate Government hoped to seize an opportunity in the North to create widespread panic on the scale of the New York City Draft Riots of the previous year.  Jefferson Davis now aimed to create a second war front behind Northern lines.  A vocal group of anti-Lincoln Democrats in the North, known as Copperheads, opposed the Civil War and wanted to make a peace settlement with the South.  Jefferson Davis had received word through secret coded letters that nearly as many as 500,000 Copperheads were waiting in Northern states for someone to help form them into an army.  Davis hoped to plant enough seeds amongst the Copperheads to inflict serious damage to the North from the inside. 

Jacob Thompson

Davis ordered Jacob Thompson to lead a delegation of Confederate operatives to Canada where they would organize anti-Union plots.  Thompson had resigned as the United States Secretary of the Interior at the outbreak of the Civil War and had previously served as Inspector General of the Confederate States Army.  In Canada, he would assume the leadership of the Confederate Secret Service operations in the area. The Canadian government didn't care what the Confederates did in Canada as long as no Canadian laws were violated. 

In May of 1864, Thompson arrived in Montreal, Canada and began to hatch several plots against the United States.  On June 13, 1864, he met with former New York Governor, Washington Hunt, at Niagara Falls and discussed forming a Northwestern Confederacy in Indiana, Illinois and Ohio (apparently those three states were said to have the largest Copperhead contingency).  Thompson also received money to buy arms, which he gave to Benjamin Woods, owner of the New York Times.  He also arranged the purchase of a steam ship, which he intended to arm with the purpose of harassing shipping efforts in the Great Lakes region.

In September, Thompson directed a failed plot to free Confederate prisoners of war that were being held at Johnson's Island near Sandusky, Ohio and Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Illinois.  Thompson had hoped that the "Copperhead Army" would materialize and aid in this plan, but that proved to be wishful thinking.  The "Copperhead Army" would in fact, never materialize.  Numerically the "Copperhead Army" would have been about 5 times the size of the Union Army of the Potomac and about 8 times the size of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.

Frustration began to set in for Thompson.  Unable to achieve the creation of a Northwestern Confederacy and unable to raise an army of Copperheads, Thompson turned his sights on trying to disrupt the Presidential Election of 1864.  The plan called for Confederate agents to cross the Canadian border and set fires on Election Day throughout Chicago, Cincinnati, Boston and New York City.  His hope was to create enough fear and confusion in the city for the Copperheads to move in and seize the important buildings in the area.  The original plot included plans to occupy Federal buildings and steal weapons from Federal arsenals that would be used arm their supporters.  The insurgents would then raise a Confederate Flag over City Hall and declare that New York City had left the Union and had aligned itself with the Confederacy.   If successful, a scheme of this magnitude might influence Lincoln or his opponent General George B. McClellan to stop the war and sue for peace.

Meanwhile, on October 15, 1864, an editorial appeared in the Richmond Whig calling for Confederates to retaliate against Northern cities for the recent atrocities committed by Federal soldiers on hundreds of farms in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley.  The editorial called on Confederate agents in Canada to “burn one of the chief cities of the enemy, say Boston, Philadelphia, or Cincinnati, and let its fate hang over the others as a warning of what may be done to them, if the present system of war on the part of the enemy is continued.”   

Eight Confederates were selected from various Regiments who had proven to be very capable behind the lines of the enemy.  The men proceeded to Canada.  Entrusted with the command of the New York City operations were Lieutenant Colonel Robert Martin and Lieutenant John W. Headley, two young, but battle tested Officers who had served under famed Kentucky Cavalry General John Hunt Morgan.  

Robert Martin

John W. Headley

These men had been specifically ordered from Virginia to undertake whatever operations Thompson conceived.  They were joined by 6 other Confederate Officers, all who had recently escaped from various Federal Prison Camps before making their way into Canada.

Among the other 6 Confederates was my 5th cousin 6x Captain Robert Cobb Kennedy, who had recently escaped from Johnson's Island Prison Camp. 

Robert Cobb Kennedy was born in Columbia, Georgia on October 25, 1835.  Robert was the 2nd cousin of Confederate Major General Howell Cobb, who I've previously written about.  Shortly after his birth, his family moved to Alabama.  Sometime before 1850, they relocated to Claiborne, Louisiana.  Prior to the start of the Civil War, Robert enjoyed the life of a Louisiana Planter.  He spent two years at the United States Military Academy at West Point before returning home to Louisiana.  When the war broke out, he joined the ranks of 1st Louisiana Infantry as a Lieutenant.  He was promptly promoted to the rank of Captain sometime before 1863.

In October of 1863, Robert was dispatched to Chattanooga, Tennessee where he served under General Joseph Wheeler.  He was captured by Federal officers while on detail near Decatur, Alabama and confined to Johnson's Island Prison Camp.

Artist's rendition of Johnson's Island Prison Camp

Once confined at Johnson's Island, Robert began to boast that "he had been in half a dozen Union Prison Camps".  He also began plotting his escape.  Johnson's Island Prison Camp was located on a remote island about 2.5 miles outside of Sandusky, Ohio.  Its location on the water provided a natural barrier on all sides.  It was also constructed on limestone bedrock, which made tunneling virtually impossible.  If Robert was to escape, he would have to orchestrate a masterful plan.  The only way out was over the fence, but once over the fence, the icy waters of the bay proved to be another obstacle to freedom.

Using a piece of scrap wood, Robert constructed a make-shift ladder.  On the night of October 4, 1864, Robert and accomplice Turk Smith carried the ladder to the wall.  Smith held the ladder while Robert climbed up and over the stockade wall.  Once over, he ran to a skiff that was hidden amongst the rocks and pushed off into the bay.  Robert traveled east and headed along the shoreline of Lake Erie through Ohio and into New York.  When he made it to Buffalo, he crossed the border into Canada and made his way to Toronto to convene with Jacob Thompson.

The "Confederate Army of Manhattan" met at the St. Dennis Hotel at Broadway and East 11th Street.  There they began preparations to burn New York City.  Each man was instructed to take several rooms in various hotels throughout the south side of the city.  

On October 28, 1864, the Confederate agents met with James A. McMaster, editor of the Freeman's Journal, in his New York City Office.  McMaster was a known New York Copperhead.  The men discussed the upcoming election day plot to burn New York.  McMaster’s role in the plot was to activate a secret army of 25,000 Copperhead New Yorkers who would raise the First National Flag of the Confederacy over New York City Hall once the fires had disrupted the election.  

Five days before the election, New York City officials released a telegram from U.S. Secretary of State William Stewart: 
“This Department has received information from the British Provinces (Canada) to the effect that there is a conspiracy on foot to set fire to the principal cities in the Northern States on the day of the Presidential election. It is my duty to communicate this information to you.”

After President Lincoln caught wind of the plan, he ensured the plot would never reach fruition by sending thousands of Federal troops into New York City to make sure the election was peaceful.  On November 6th, a Federal detachment of nearly 10,000 men, commanded by Major General Benjamin "Beast” Butler arrived in New York City and anchored off Manhattan.  Ferryboats filled with Infantry were stationed in the East and Hudson Rivers.  Gunboats were stationed off the Battery to protect downtown and the new Central Park reservoir was closely guarded.  With the city crawling with Union Soldiers, the Confederate infiltrators could only stand by and watch the parades that had been organized by supporters of Lincoln or McClellan.  Election day came and went and although Lincoln didn't carry New York City, he was elected for a second term.

Pro-Lincoln Poster from the 1864 Campaign

In his memoir published in 1905, Lieutenant John W. Headley stated: "We expected to take an active part in an attempt by the Sons of Liberty to inaugurate a revolution in New York City, to be made on the day of the presidential election, November 8th.  Thompson sent Martin with seven selected Confederate officers, myself included, to report for duty to the leaders.  Martin was in charge of the whole thing.  The plot was exposed by Northern secret service agents, and General Butler with ten thousand troops arrived, which so disconcerted the Sons of liberty that the attempt was postponed. We remained in the city awaiting events, but the situation being chaotic we had nothing to do."

Most of the Copperheads backed out of the plan, but a few of the Confederate agents stayed behind and were determined to carry out their incendiary plan.  The atrocities committed by Federal troops in Atlanta under the command of General William T. Sherman and also in the Shenandoah Valley under the command of General Phil Sheridan, were too much for these men to just sit back and watch.  Headley's memoir stated, "When Sherman burned Atlanta, November 15th, Martin proposed to fire New York City. This was agreed to by Thompson, and the project was finally undertaken by Martin and five others, including myself."

Aerial view of NYC looking south from St. Paul steeple. P.T. Barnum's Museum is on the far left

The men originally selected Thanksgiving Day, but ultimately settled for “Evacuation Day,” a New York holiday that celebrated the British evacuation of New York City during the Revolutionary War.  Their weapons of choice were 144 small vials of "Greek Fire,"  a special chemical combination that looked like water but when exposed to air, after a short delay, would ignite in flames.  The Confederates practiced with the vials by throwing them on boards outside a rented house in Central Park.  Once the glass vials broke and the chemical compound was exposed to oxygen, flames erupted and engulfed the boards in flames.  

The men were instructed to use the bed in each room, pile it with clothing, rugs, drapes, newspapers, and any other flammable items.  Next, they were to empty two vials of the solution on top of the pile.  In a few minutes, flames would ignite the pile.  This delay would give them plenty of time to escape unnoticed before the fire started.  After starting one fire, the man would then proceed to the next location and do the same.  Each man would be capable of setting off several fires blocks from each other.   Their targets were more than 20 business and hotels, most of them along Broadway near or around City Hall.

A map showing the targeted fires with some modern day landmarks.

The Confederates began setting their fires shortly after 7:00pm on November 25, 1864. This time was agreed upon since none of the hotel patrons would be asleep in their beds when the fires were set.  Even though the men wanted to enact revenge upon the North, they did not want there to be any loss of lives in their retaliation.   John W. Headley's memoir recants their actions:
"On the evening of November 25th, I went to my room in the Astor house, at twenty minutes after seven. I hung the bedclothes over the foot-board, piles chairs, drawers, and other material on the bed, stuffed newspapers into the heap, and poured a bottle of turpentine over the whole mass. I then opened a bottle of "Greek Fire" and quickly spilled it on top. It blazed instantly. I locked the door and went downstairs. Leaving the key at the office, as usual, I passed out. I did likewise at the city Hotel, Everett House, and United States Hotel. At the same time Martin operated at the Hoffman House, Fifth Avenue, St. Denis, and others. Altogether our little band fired nineteen hotels. Captain Kennedy went to Barnum's Museum and broke a bottle on the stairway, creating a panic. Lieutenant Harrington did the same at the Metropolitan Theater, and Lieutenant Ashbrook at Niblo's Garden. I threw several bottles into barges of hay, and caused the only fires, for, strange to say, nothing serious resulted from any of the hotel fires. It was not discovered until the next day, at the Astor House, that my room had been set on fire. Our reliance on "Greek Fire" was the cause of the failure. We found that it could not be depended upon as an agent for incendiary work."

Captain Kennedy's targets were the Love-Joy's Hotel, Tammany Hall, and the New England House.  As a last minute thought, Kennedy decided to go into P.T. Barnum's Museum and go up to the fifth floor where he could obtain a good view of Broadway and several of the fires.  After a few moments he made his way down a stairwell where he proceeded to ignite the "Greek Fire."   Panic ensued, with people rushing out of the building in a frenzy, but no one was killed or seriously injured and the fire was quickly extinguished.   Unfortunately for P.T. Barnum, the museum burned to the ground in another mysterious fire on July 13, 1865. 

P.T. Barnum's American Museum in 1858

A full listing of all the over 35 properties damaged in the fire reads as follows:  Belmont Hotel, Love-Joy's Hotel, New England House, The City Hotel, The Everett House, The United States Hotel, The Astor House, P.T Barnum's American Museum, Niblo's Garden Theatre, The Metropolitan Hotel, The LaFarge House, St. James Hotel, St. Nicholas Hotel, Tammany Hall, The Fifth Avenue Hotel, Hanford Hotel, Winter Garder Theatre, Planting Mill, Howard Hotel, The Brandreth House, Franche's Hotel, Wallack's Theatre, Collamore House, Panorama, New York Harbor, 2 Hay stacks on Moore St., Hoffman House, St. Denis, Fifth Ward Museum Hotel, Palace Garden Theatre, Albemarle Hotel, Hotel Victoria, Gilsey, The Grand, The Coleman House, The Martinique and the St. George Cricket Club.

Most of the fires fizzled out on their own or failed to ignite completely.  The Confederates forgot to open the windows in any of the rooms, which robbed the flames of a steady supply of oxygen.  Poor methods of practice could also have been a cause of the failure.  There was some light panic spread along Broadway as word of the attack began to get out.  Shouts of  “Fire, Fire” coming from the LaFarge hotel disrupted the performance of Julius Caesar, starring John Wilkes Booth at the adjacent Winter Garden Theatre.  

The Confederate operatives returned to their Central Park house amid word from New York citizens that this surely had been a Confederate plan.  By the next morning newspapers were reporting that detectives were looking for the Rebel plotters.  The men laid low until Saturday, November 28th, when they made their way to the rail depot and stealthily boarded a north-bound train bound for Buffalo, where they crossed the suspension bridge into Canada.  Most of the men kept a low profile in Canada for a few weeks before returning to the South.  Robert Cobb Kennedy boasted about his involvement in the burnings during several drunken rants in Canada.  His loose lips coupled with a $25,000 reward led to his capture a few weeks later as he was trying to buy a train ticket in Detroit.  He was confined to Fort Lafayette on Governor's Island in New York Harbor where he awaited trial.

Fort Lafayette seen from the Brooklyn shore

Since he was the only one caught, he became the poster boy for the New York City fires.  Yellow journalism began to paint a very different picture of the "Southern Terrorist."  The press demonized him.  An article from the New York Times dated February 28, 1865 describes Kennedy as follows:
"Mr. Kennedy is a man of apparently 30 years of age, with an exceedingly unprepossessing countenance. His head is well shaped, but his brow is lowering, his eyes deep sunken and his look unsteady. Evidently a keen-witted, desperate man, he combines the cunning and the enthusiasm of a fanatic, with the lack of moral principle characteristic of many Southern Hotspurs, whose former college experiences, and most recent hotel-burning plots are somewhat familiar to our readers. Kennedy is well connected at the South, is a relative, a nephew we believe, of Howell Cobb, and was educated at the expense of the United States, at West Point, where he remained two years, leaving at that partial period of study in consequence of mental or physical inability. While there he made the acquaintance of Ex. Brig. Gen. E.W. Stoughton, who courteously proffered his services as counsel for his ancient friend in his present needy hour. During Kennedy’s confinement here, while awaiting trial, he made sundry foolish admissions, wrote several letters which have told against him, and in general did, either intentionally or indiscreetly, many things, which seem to have rendered his conviction almost a matter of entire certainty. "
Kennedy was tried in front of a Military Commission led by Federal General Fitz-Henry Warren.  A former classmate at West Point, Brigadier General Edward Stoughton represented him at the trial.  The proceedings began on January 17, 1865 and ended in early March.  During the trial Kennedy made a full confession, but refused to name anyone else that was involved in the plot.  His confession reads:
"After my escape from Johnson's Island I went to Canada, where I met a number of Confederates. They asked me if I was willing to go on an expedition. I replied, "Yes; if it is in the service of my country." They said, "It's all right", but gave no intimation of its nature, nor did I ask for any. I was then sent to New York, where I staid some time. They were eight men in our party, of whom two fled to Canada. After we had been in New York three weeks we were told that the object of the expedition was to retaliate on the North for the atrocities in the Shenandoah Valley. It was designed to set fire to the city on the night of the Presidential election, but the phosphorus was not ready and it was put off until the 25th of November. I was stopping at the Belmont House, but moved into Prince street. I set fire to four places-Barnum's Museum, Lovejoy's Hotel, Tammany Hotel, and the New England House. The others only started fires in the house where each was lodging and then ran off. Had they all done as I did we would have had thirty-two fires and played a huge joke on the fire department. I know that I am to be hung for setting fire to Barnum's Museum, but that was only a joke. I had no idea of doing it. I had been drinking and went it there with a friend, and, just to scare the people, I emptied a bottle of phosphorus on the floor. We knew it wouldn't set fire to the wood, for we had tried it before, and at one time concluded to give the whole thing up.

There was no fiendishness about it. After setting fire to my flour places I walked the streets all night and went to the Exchange Hotel early in the morning. We all met there that morning and the next night. My friend and I had rooms there, but was sat in the office nearly all the time reading the papers, while we were watched by the detectives of whom hotel was full. I expected to die then, and if I had it would have been all right; but now it seems rather hard. I escaped to Canada, and was glad enough when I crossed the bridge in safety.

I desired, however, to return to my command, and started with my friend for the Confederacy via Detroit. Just before entering the city he received an intimation that the detectives were on the lookout for us, and giving me signal, he jumped from the cars. I didn't notice the signal, but kept on and arrested in the depot.

wish to say that killing women and children was the last thing though of. We wanted to let the people of the North understand that there are two sides to this war, and that they can't be rolling in wealth and comfort while we at the South are bearing all the hardships and privations.

In retaliation for Sheridan's atrocities in the Shenandoah Valley we desired to destroy property, not the lives of women and children, although that would of course have followed in its train."
Done in the presence of Lieutenant Colonel Martin Burke.
Washington, D. C., March 25, 1865.
During his confinement at Fort Lafayette, Kennedy spent his time writing a journal from "Room No. 1".  Most of the pages were destroyed at his request but a few pages managed to survive.  Below are various entries that shine a light on Kennedy's thoughts during his confinement.

IN HELL, March 2, 1865.

Having slept the greater portion of the day, I cannot sleep to-night, and as I have the conveniences at hand, propose committing some of my thoughts to paper. In thinking all over the circumstances of my trial. I must believe the verdict of my judges will be Not Guilty. But thinking also that I am a captive in the hands of enemies, who regard it a crime worthy of death to be an officer of the Confederate States Army, I am doubtful of their verdict. In summing up the evidence against me the Judge-Advocate shed tears, and afterwards shook hands, and asked me to pity him, that he merely did his duty, and was not actuated by malicious feelings to prosecute me.

This is all very well, but I must recollect that the same Judge-Advocate, when I was utterly friendless, and looked to him to assist me in my defence, scoffed at any rebutting evidence I proposed introducing. It was only when I was convinced that he intended rendering me no assistance, that I asked the court to grant a delay in order to obtain Gen. Stoughton as counsel. Maj. Bolles, the Judge-Advocate, knows well, that when the evidence for the Government was given I objected to nothing; that a large amount of irrelevant-matter-was introduced into the records of the court which appears as evidence against me. I thought that equal generosity would be extended toward me in making my defence; that I was arraigned, not before a judge and ignorant jurymen, out before intelligent officers of the same honorable profession to which I belong; that the Judge-Advocate, as a man of honor, would suffer me to elicit anything from my witnesses that would throw light in the case before the commission. Fool that I was to imagine anything of the kind. He objected to and debarred the most important part of the testimony I had to offer, viz: the evidence of Smith in regard to having given Hays $15 in gold, and the documents from Canada showing that I had no idea or intention of acting the spy when I entered the territory of the United States. I do not believe that a member of that commission, or Major Bolles, the Judge-Advocate, believes me to have acted as a spy or guerrilla, but I may be pronounced guilty of both charges. If I am executed, it will be nothing less than judicial, brutal, cowardly murder.
March 4.

This is a gala day for my enemies. They will do their best to honor Abraham. and celebrate the recent Union victories. The Federals have obtained possession of Charleston, Wilmington, and other places along our seaboard, but not by valor. Circumstances -- military necessity-caused the Confederates to evacuate them. The dogs ought to remember that they did not take Charleston by open warfare, that Gillmore & Co. have hammered in vain long at her gates and the "nest of secession" only succumbed when there was an army in its rear. They swear that Charleston made no resistance, without considering that her sons are in the peerless band of Lee. Goddamn them, let them subjugate the South and then triumph.
March 5.

I spent last night in giving a few impression of things during my trial. Here I will state that I will believe Major Bolles was honest in his statements to me; that he acted in accordance with the dictates of duty in pursuing me like a sleuth-hound and was hot actuated by malice or prejudice toward me. The conduct of Gen. Stoughton has been most noble; be came to my assistance when I was utterly friendless. Although I know that I would have done the came to him under a reversal of circumstances. I cannot properly express my gratitude or appreciation of his services. His conduct has almost disarmed me of any malice toward the Yankees, although they have made the fairest portion of my country a desert. Stoughton knows that when at West Point I was not sectional in my feelings or associations; that gentlemen were always welcome to my loom, whether born in Maine or Louisiana. He knows that I think myself right in my present position. If I had been the scoundrel that some New-York journals represent me. would he have so promptly tendered his services as counsel, without expecting a reward? I have no doubt He believed me unable to remunerate him in any manner, and undertook my defence merely through remembrance of "old times." I believe my cause to be a just one -- that it will ultimately succeed I have no doubt. If there is a just God he must favor those who most deserve it. Some detectives came to see me to-night. When asked their opinion of the result of my trial, they replied. "We think it will go against you." As every one knows who happened to know me, their opinion has no effect on me. It is to their interest to convict me. They get a considerable reward in that case.

I wrote to Chief Detective Young to-night to procure an interview between myself and Gen. Beall, C.S.A. I hope the Yankee authorities will grant it. I am much in need of articles Beall could furnish me. The damned vermin are so numerous that I am almost in the condition of Lee's veteran, who wanted a pound of mercurial ointment. Like him I am afraid to sneeze, for fear the damned lice would regard it a gong for dinner, and eat me up.

Oh. never, never, never, will a true Confederate soldier

Forsake his friends or fear his foes;

For while our Lord's Cross proudly floats defiance,

I don't care a damn how the wind blows.

On March 20, 1865, the Military Commission returned their verdict.  They believed that Robert Cobb Kennedy should hang for his participation in the plot to burn New York City.  His execution was set for Saturday, March 25th.  All that was left to do was erect the gallows.   Below are the official Military Commission documents that show Kennedy's trial and verdict:


During the course of the next five days, Kennedy went through nearly every emotion possible.  He furiously fired off letters to friends and family.  On March 23, 1865 a photographer visited Kennedy and took the photo below.  A few hours before he went to the gallows, Kennedy sent copies of the photo along with locks of his hair, to friends and family in the South.

Photograph of Robert Cobb Kennedy taken 3/25/1865

Kennedy still maintained hope that President Lincoln would commute his sentence since he had been captured on his way home and not while trying to exact more revenge on the North.  On the night before his execution, Kennedy scribbled out a note to the detectives who helped catch him.  It reads as follows:

"FT. LAFAYETTE, March 25th, 1855.

J.S. Young:

DEAR SIR -- I am much obliged by the sending of that article.

In answer to your desire to ascertain the present state of my feelings towards you and associates. I can only say I bear you no malice. You did your duty as detectives, with, perhaps, as much kindness to me any others would under similar circumstances. Our professions have been different; what appealed right and proper to you seemed unfair and dishonorable to me; for example, the manner in which HAYES was instructed or allowed to act in order to obtain evidence against me.

Be assured I appreciate the many little acts of kindness extended by you and others to Respectfully yours.


The next morning was told that the hour had arrived.  "All right," said he, "I'm ready; I'm prepared for this thing; tie my arms;" and then, after a moment's quiet, he shouted. "This is hard for you damned Yankees to use me to. I'm a regular soldier in the Confederate army, and have been since the war."

Captain Robert Cobb Kennedy, dressed in a civilian suit made of Confederate gray wool, made his way to the gallows where a small contingent of reporters awaited the spectacle. A Federal Captain read the verdict aloud, during which Kennedy sneered "it's a damned lie."  After a short prayer, Kennedy asked to speak a few last words.  "Colonel, i wish to make a statement.  Gentlemen, this is judicial murder.  Colonel, I am ready.  This is a judicial, cowardly murder.  There's no occasion for the United States to treat me this way.  I say Colonel, can't you get me a drink before I go up?"  The noose was placed around his neck and the black hood pulled over his face.  Kennedy began to sing a few lines of verse:
"Trust to luck, trust to luck.
Stare fate in the face.
For your heart will be easy
If it's in the right place."
Just after his last word, the counterweight was released and Kennedy's body was yanked off the floorboards, the sharp movement snapping his neck.  His death was instantaneous.  His body moved gently back and forth for a few moments, was cut down, encoffined and prepared for burial.  He happened to be fourth and final known member of my family to be executed by the Federal army during the Civil War.  Below is a link to an article about my other 3 family members that were murdered:

Three Cousins Murdered by Yankees in the Old Albemarle Region of North Carolina 

Robert Cobb Kennedy was just 29 years old at the time of his execution.   He was buried in an unmarked grave on Governor's Island.  In the late 1870's all the graves on the island were disinterred and re-buried in Cypress Hills National Cemetery, where Kennedy currently lies in an unmarked grave.

Graves of Confederate and Union Veterans side-by-side in Cypress Hills National Cemetery.  (Note that the Confederate Graves are marked with pointed tops so no "damned yankee" could ever sit on top of them.)

Here's my relation to Robert Cobb Kennedy:

Robert Cobb Kennedy (1835 - 1865)
is your 5th cousin 6x removed
Elizabeth Lydia Cobb (1815 - 1891)
mother of Robert Cobb Kennedy
Henry Willis Cobb (1774 - 1820)
father of Elizabeth Lydia Cobb
John Cobb (1740 - 1809)
father of Henry Willis Cobb
John Cobb (1700 - 1775)
father of John Cobb
Robert Cobbs (1660 - 1727)
father of John Cobb
Robert Cobbs (1626 - 1682)
father of Robert Cobbs
Ambrose Cobb (1662 - 1718)
son of Robert Cobbs
Robert Cobb (1687 - 1769)
son of Ambrose Cobb
Elizabeth Cobb (1724 - 1780)
daughter of Robert Cobb
Reuben Benjamin Eaton Moss Sr. (1737 - 1819)
son of Elizabeth Cobb
Howell Cobb Moss Sr. (1773 - 1831)
son of Reuben Benjamin Eaton Moss Sr.
Benjamin Lucious Moss (1792 - 1847)
son of Howell Cobb Moss Sr.
James C. Moss (1824 - 1891)
son of Benjamin Lucious Moss
William Allen Moss (1859 - 1931)
son of James C. Moss
Valeria Lee Moss (1890 - 1968)
daughter of William Allen Moss
Phebe Teresa Wheeler Lewis (1918 - 1977)
daughter of Valeria Lee Moss
Joyce Elaine Lewis (1948 - )
daughter of Phebe Teresa Wheeler Lewis
Chip Stokes
You are the son of Joyce

Kennedy was just one of eight arsonists, but he was the only one ever punished for the attempt to burn New York.  Lieutenant Colonel Robert Martin, the originator of the burning plot, was arrested after the war and also confined to Fort Lafayette.  Apparently Martin was also supposed to follow Kennedy's footsteps to the gallows, but his trial never took place.  Martin was released from Fort Lafayette in 1866 due to lack of sufficient evidence against him.  Martin later moved to New York where he died at age 61 due to an old war ailment.  John W. Headley returned to Kentucky after the end of the Civil War where he served one term as Kentucky's Secretary of State before moving to Los Angeles, California where he died in 1930 at the age of 90.  His 1905 memoir attempts to justify the plot to burn New York, stating in all capital letters: